Longue Vue
A blue hand-shapped object is attached with a yellow wire to a white wall
Fimo paste, polyester wire
in casa wabi, six long wood pieces are standing by themselves in front of a cement floor, sand, mexican plants and a mountain
a very small construction houses very small sculptures
wood, yellow plastic bottle, purple plastic bottle, white spray paint
office building
A wood board holds itself horizontally thanks to a trestle that is the same height as the safety post on the window
wood board, trestle, safety post
A piece of white fabric receives yellow light and a blue albedo reflexion
yellow light, blue wall, white fabric
a man is walking down a gold catwalk with a blue bull-mask for Nouvelle Collection Paris
fimo paste, catwalk
Un graffito, due graffiti
A blue graffito was painted on a yellow-ish painted wall
blue paint, wall, yellow-ish paint
if it fits
in casa wabi, a black tube is exactly the size of a hole in a wood board, therefore it is in the hole and it holds the wood board
PET black tube, plywood
one year left
A red, a blue, a yellow and a black zip tie on one tube
four zip ties, pipe
many games are painted on the ground, i don't know the rules
paint on floor